Monday, August 29, 2011

Members of the Body

For as in one body we have many members, and all the members do not have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Romans 12:4-5
One body in Christ
One thing I admire in an organization is when the members work together to accomplish their common  purpose. The “members” in the above verse are those who believe in Jesus and are part of the “one body in Christ” – the church. Each member in the church has a function which contributes to the overall life and work of the body.   Paul elaborates on this in 1 Corinthians 12:7 where he explains that the Holy Spirit bestows different gifts to different believers. Each member of the body, along with that person’s gift, has a role in the life of the church  and is needed.
Do you know what gift the Holy Spirit has given you? You can find a list of the gifts at 1 Corinthians 12:28-31 and Romans 12:6-8. There are also spiritual gifts tests that can be taken to identify your gift(s). Once you determine  your gift, use it to build up the church body. The body of Christ needs all of its member to function properly. Do not assume that your gift is not needed!
Are you allowing and encouraging other members of the church body to use their Spirit-given gifts to carry out their function? Sometimes it’s easier to just go ahead and get the job done yourself, or  to  ask someone you know is reliable, instead of seeking someone who has the gift for a particular need. Giving  someone the chance to develop his or her gifts in service to God makes the body of Christ grow and become  strong.
This week we are going to become aware of what the various parts of our own physical bodies are “doing.” Maybe this would also be a good time to review your spiritual gifts and your role as a member in building up the body of Christ.
In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Ephesians 2:21-22
Now for our exercise...
Over time, due to gravity, poor habits, lifestyle, genetics or a combination thereof, our body parts have a tendency to each  go their own way. They tilt, curl and fall out of line. The result is a bent-over profile (in other words, poor posture!), muscle imbalance, and sometimes pain, even in a location distant from the wayward body part.
Which body parts am I talking about?  Head,  shoulders, hips and knees. They are the markers to test your alignment. Ideally a straight line could be drawn through your ears, shoulders, hips and knees. To test yourself, stand sideways at the edge of a full-length mirror and look at your profile. Do your ears, shoulders hips and knees line up at the edge of the mirror? (You may also have a friend check you or a personal trainer could give you an accurate assessment.) Chances are that your head is forward of this imaginary line (the mirror’s edge), so let’s start with that. (Future posts will address the other parts.)
Ears over shoulders over hips
while seated.deflam'sphotostream
While still standing sideways at the mirror, pull your head back so your ear coincides with the mirror’s edge. (Be sure to keep your chin level.) This may feel un-natural.  Years of driving, working at a computer, pressing forward while working or watching tv, and living in our “forward-oriented” world will promote the forward-head condition. The muscles in the very upper part of your back have probably become weak and this exercise strengthens them. Hold your head back for a few seconds and release. Do this a couple more times. Then do this head pull-back exercise two more times today. Do it every day! Of course, if you have any pain while doing this, stop! You should always consult your physician or health care provider before starting an exercise program.
One goal of this blog is to share simple exercises that can be done almost anywhere. And this is certainly one of them. You can pull your head back while driving, working at a desk, standing in line, watching tv, and (you fill in the blank). Build this exercise into your life and you will be on your way to keeping your body parts in alignment!

1 comment:

  1. I was instructed to do an exercise like this one when I went through Physical Therapy. I push my chin back. I was told I should do it 5 times every hour! (Seems kind of excessive.)
