Thursday, June 21, 2012

Strong Faith from Ship to Shore

As Paul pointed out, it was the wrong time of year for a sea voyage, but the captain, crew, and guards all wanted to move the ship to a more protected port for the winter. (Acts 27) The favorable winds seemed to confirm this decision, but it wasn’t long before a soaking, sail-blasting Noreaster blew in. Caught in the storm, they were out of control (v. 16), driven (v. 17) and storm-tossed (v. 18). The skies were overcast day and night so there were no stars for navigation. The sailors had tried everything they knew in attempt to maneuver through the storm, and now they had lost all hope of making it through alive.

What would it have been like for the sailors on that ship to have one of the prisoners on board (the apostle Paul) stand up and claim that his God sent an angel to say that we would all survive the storm? (Acts 27:23) He even knew that we would run aground on a certain island. Would I believe him? Paul seemed so certain, so convinced, that this is how it would happen, and he kept telling everyone to take courage.

Apparently the sailors did not believe what Paul told them. At the next sign of danger - crashing on some rocks – the sailors planned to sneak into the life boat and row to shore. Paul pointed out to the soldiers that without the crew on board to handle the ship, no one would survive. So the soldiers cut the ropes to the lifeboat. Now all truly must have seemed hopeless to the crew!

With their way of escape gone, what could they do now? Paul had an answer: “eat something!” It had been two weeks since anyone had eaten. “This is for your preservation, for not a hair from the head of any of you will perish,” Paul insisted. (Acts 27:34) In the middle of the night, with everyone gathered around, Paul said a prayer of thanks to God and started eating some bread. This act lifted everyone’s spirits and they ate too.

Paul, who had strong faith, was the leader and encourager for those with weak or no faith. He continued to remind them of God’s promise and also demonstrated his conviction by eating the bread. Taking nourishment was a vital preparation for what lay ahead. To prepare for an event usually indicates that the person believes it will take place.

When daylight came, they saw a beach on which they attempted to steer the ship. Instead, they ran aground on a reef and the ship started to break up. Some were able to swim to shore and the rest floated to the beach, clinging to the remains of the broken ship. As the angel had told Paul, all made it safely to land!

Who of strong faith has been a leader and encourager for you? Do you know someone who needs a reminder of God's promises? What would be a way you could demonstrate your strong faith? Finally, believing God's promises, what preparations do you need to make for the future?

Therefore, keep up your courage men, for I believe God that it will turn out exactly as I have been told. Acts 27:25

Paul, the soldiers, and the crew all made it to the beach. This week we will learn more exercises you can do with a beach ball. (You can click here to see last week’s exercises.) Inflate your beach ball until it is firm but still has some give to it, so it compresses slightly if you push your hands into it.

The first one is for strengthening your abdominal muscles (in particular, the one that runs from side to side, the transverse abdominis). Stand with your back to the wall and place the beach ball between your back and the wall, with the ball at the small of your back.

Your knees should be soft (bent just slightly) and your hips should be level. (Click here to get a better understanding of keeping your pelvis level.) Here is the work part: Pull your navel inward toward the ball and hold for the count of ten. Continue to breathe normally. Then release. Repeat again and build up to ten repetitions. You may place your hand on your belly (below your navel) to feel the muscle tighten there as you pull inward. Remember to keep your hips level!

Note that you are not bending your spine or moving any other parts of your body. This is what makes this exercise very safe, especially if you have osteopenia. Always check with your doctor if you are uncertain about whether an exercise is safe for you. The photo at right is shown using the Osteoball. We did another exercise to strengthen this same muscle in an earlier post and you may click here to review it.

The next exercise is for the Rhomboids and Trapezius muscles in the upper back. When these muscles are strong, you will have better posture. Also, this will help to open the front of your chest, making it easier to breath, and making your shoulders appear broader (which makes your waist appear smaller!).

Step away from the wall and hold the ball behind you at your low hip. If it is not comfortable to stand, sit on a bench, as long as you can bring the ball behind you and sit up tall. If you are standing, have your knees slightly bent and your hips level and keep your navel pulled inward toward your spine. Your shoulders should be kept down, away from your ears.

Now for the work part: Squeeze your shoulder blades toward each other

while you press your hands into the ball. Continue squeezing as you count to ten and then release. (Again, note that there is no motion of your spine or limbs, but the muscles are working.) Repeat again and build up to ten repetitions. For an earlier post that covers these same muscles, you may click here.

Both of these exercises may be done every day, but you should do them three times per week. These can be done anywhere and will help your Length and Strength. You will get maximum use from your beach ball!

Photo credits:, CreativeCommons, L.E. Lang collection

1 comment:

  1. I need daily reminders of God's promises. I write on index cards, Bible verses - in big letters so I can read them when I first wake up (without my glasses). My current one is Romans 12:2b "Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think."

    Act as if - is also something I am constantly reminding myself. Act as if it is already happening.
